Water and Sanitation 

Target 6.B Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management

Clean and safe water is becoming a scarce resource. Digital technologies can and do support everything from systemic approaches in smart city management, the tracking of water flows and water quality in cities, regions and nations to smaller scale solutions, mapping water pollution or public restrooms to water testing kits for farmers or sustainable fishing practices.

Water management and solutions for safe and accessible sanitation require collection, verification and analysis of large quantities of data. It also entails management of complex data flows that relate logistics, weather, climate as well as industrial developments (hydropower dams) and agriculture (smart agriculture to curb excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides and smart irrigation to make the most use of a scares resource).

Digital technologies are key to reaching multilingual, diverse, and often remote communities to inform about safe water practices concerning health and sanitation but also agriculture, fishing, and local crafts and industries.

Finally, digital platforms and tools are key in connecting and building collaboration and knowledge sharing between the diverse and often geographically dispersed actors and environmental champions who fight for equitable water governance across the globe.

Advancing water management through leadership



Water management women leaders

Women leaders have a crucial role in water governance in the Mekong region. They act as a unifying force between various groups, but have faced challenges in finding a safe platform where to communicate with each other.

This project will create an online Storytelling Platform to allow women leaders to share their experiences with each other, enabling them to strengthen their leadership and rally stakeholder groups around water issues. The platform is built with the continuous input from user groups and will be available in local languages.

Explore SPIDER’s work for the Sustainable Development Goals


ICTs facilitate the collection, analysis, and dissemination of relevant data for informed decision-making. 

ICTs enable the development of innovative solutions like mobile applications and remote sensing technologies, which can improve access to clean water and sanitation services in remote and underserved areas.

How do ICTs contribute to achieving SDG 6?

ICTs play a crucial role in monitoring water resources, improving water management, and promoting efficient water use through technologies like sensors, data analytics, and real-time monitoring systems.

How can ICTs be utilized for water conservation efforts?

ICTs contribute to water conservation by enabling the implementation of smart irrigation systems, leak detection technologies, and water recycling processes, which enhance the overall efficiency of water usage.

What role do data analytics play in ensuring the quality of drinking water?

With digital tools it is possible to analyze water quality parameters in real-time, helping to detect contamination and ensure the delivery of safe and clean drinking water.

Can digital technologies help in addressing water scarcity issues?

Yes, digital technologies like smart irrigation systems, satellite imagery for water resource mapping, and real-time monitoring contribute to more efficient water use, addressing water scarcity concerns.