Impact cinema

This page lists many of our impact stories from past and present projects across the world. The resources are organised according the part of the world where impact is created and include projects results from education, telecom regulation, digital health, data and governance and many other fields. 

As a center of enablement, SPIDER also showcases the digital solutions that our partnerships enable or support. That is why you will also be able to see videos that cover specific systems or soft/hardware utilisation. As  much as possible, we support global goods and open source information and communication tools to enable everyone to be able to benefit from digital transformation.

More impact stories coming your way soon, so stay tuned


Smart Communities in Rwanda eradicate poverty and create jobs

SPIDER supported digital tranformation in northern Rwanda to support  communities to become self employed in pig farming.

How Uganda coordinates infrastructure initiatives - Ms Susan Nakanwagi, UCC

Ms Susan Nakanwagi from the Uganca Communications Commission speaks about the change initiative Uganda was working on which has now resulted in 

A portal that connects Somali diaspora to Somalia for increased capacity

One of the outcomes of our HADDA programme in Somalia is the portal for Somali diaspora to easily be able to see the needs on the ground in Somalia and offer their expertise directly to Somalia’s health sector.

Improved service delivery when citizens know their rights

WOUGNET empowered citizens in northern Uganda to know their rights and demand accountablity from duty bearers through ICTs.

Enabling the reporting of Human Rights via SMS in Tanzania

SPIDER supported the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance in Tanzania to digitalise the process of reporting breaches of rights and invoke action by the Commission. 

Rural Zambia increased farming productivity with digital tools

Farmer collectives in Ndola, Zambia improved their farming skills and broadened their income base with e-learning.


Safe space for women to co-create around Mekong water management issues

Women and water are intricately connected and women are on the front lines of water issues – but often not heard or considered where decisions are being made or taking place.

Open Data increases transparency in the Mekong region

Publishing and visualising Open Data increases the transparency in the Mekong region. 

Research is key when trying to connect the unconnected

Research is an integral part of SPIDERs work that informs our work to realise the SDGs. See SPIDER Director Dr. Caroline Wamala Larsson talk about access to the Internet.

Inspiring and guiding students to their future careers with an app

Trey Visay was developed at the SPIDER supported innovation space for digital development.

South America

Knowing how to use ICTs ensures continued learning in a pandemic

SPIDER supported trainings has made technology a learning tool for  teachers in La Paz since 2013. This meant they could keep teaching when COVID-19 closed schools.

Continued education throughout COVID-19 lockdowns

SPIDER supported World Vision Bolivia to give schools the ability deliver continued education and learning with ICTs when COVID-19 lead to lockdowns in Bolivia.

A digital market place increased the income of indigenous artisans

Lidia is an indigenous artisan. Her income has increased because she can now sell her crafts online, and her children can attend their online classes. 

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