Digital protection of life under water

Target 14.A Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries

Sustainable Development Goal 14 focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. Digitalization plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by offering innovative solutions to protect marine ecosystems and promote sustainable ocean management.

Digital technologies significantly aid in monitoring and managing marine environments. Satellite imaging and remote sensing technologies provide comprehensive data on ocean health, enabling accurate assessments of marine biodiversity, water quality, and changes in ecosystems. This data supports informed decision-making for conservation efforts and sustainable resource management.

Furthermore, digital platforms enhance marine conservation efforts by fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing among scientists, policymakers, and communities worldwide. Online databases, citizen science initiatives, and open-access research facilitate the exchange of information, empowering global cooperation in marine conservation.

Digital tools also support sustainable fisheries management. IoT devices and GPS tracking systems enable more precise and responsible fishing practices, reducing overfishing and bycatch. Additionally, online marketplaces and traceability platforms promote transparency in seafood supply chains, discouraging illegal fishing practices.

Moreover, digitalisation drives awareness and education about ocean conservation. Online campaigns, educational resources, and interactive platforms engage the public, fostering a sense of responsibility and encouraging actions to protect marine ecosystems.

In essence, digital technologies serve as a catalyst in advancing SDG 14 by providing crucial data, fostering global collaboration, promoting sustainable fishing practices, and raising awareness about the importance of preserving our oceans and marine life

Explore SPIDER’s work for the Sustainable Development Goals

Gender Equality and Equity

SPIDER works with gender equity throughout all its projects in minor or major ways. An intesectional lense is applied.

ICT Policy is essential for digital solitions

It is not enough to have access to digital services and infrastructure, consumer rights are at the heart of digital service provision that is inclusive.

Digital for monitoring environmental change

It is argued that climate change affects the poor more than the rich, so how can we monitor and react to change this?


Oceans are vital to life on Earth. They regulate the climate, provide a source of food and livelihood for millions of people, and host a diverse range of marine life.

Technology can play a significant role in monitoring and managing marine resources, detecting and preventing illegal fishing, and developing sustainable aquaculture practices.

How can digitalisation contribute to ocean conservation?

Digitalisation can enable real-time monitoring of marine ecosystems, track illegal fishing activities, and provide data for informed decision-making in marine resource management.

What digital technologies are relevant to SDG 14?

Satellite imaging, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and blockchain can be applied to monitor and manage marine ecosystems, improve fisheries management, and enhance ocean-related research.

How does digitalisation address marine pollution?

Digital technologies can help track and identify sources of marine pollution, monitor plastic waste, and facilitate the development of innovative solutions to reduce and manage pollution in oceans and seas.