Digitalisation for Strong Institutions and Human Rights

Target 16.10 Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements

Digital health plays a pivotal role in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3, which aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. Its significance lies in its capacity to overcome barriers to healthcare access, enhance efficiency, and improve healthcare outcomes globally. By building a systems based approach to health systems strengthening and by leveraging technology, digital health facilitates remote access to healthcare services, especially in underserved or remote areas, addressing the inequality in healthcare access.

Through telemedicine and mobile health apps, digital health enables timely consultations, diagnosis, and treatment, reducing the burden on overburdened healthcare systems and minimizing the need for physical visits. Moreover, it empowers individuals with health information, encouraging proactive healthcare management and preventive measures.

 Additionally, digital health solutions streamline data collection, analysis, and management, supporting better decision-making for policymakers and healthcare providers. This data-driven approach aids in tracking disease outbreaks, understanding health trends, and allocating resources efficiently.

Ultimately, by integrating digital health solutions into healthcare systems, SDG 3’s objectives of reducing maternal mortality, combating diseases, ensuring universal health coverage, and promoting well-being can be realized more effectively, leading to healthier communities worldwide.

SPIDER also endorses the Digital Investment Principles, and the Principles for Digital Development which are essential for all digital health programmes.

SPIDER’s work for capacity building of institutions is well known 

SPIDER’s mission is to ensure that digitalisation contributes to the Sustainable Development Gaols. Strong institutional capacity building is a bridge to more fair and equitable societies that enable citizen participation, public services and peaceful societies.


Sub Saharan Africa


ICT Policy & Regulation - Institutional Strengthening


43 countries – 4 Regional Regulatory Authorities. Joint European Offer.

The initiative spans 2023 to 2028 and supports peer to peer learning and stong, capable and innovation driver regulatory authorities that can deliver inclusive digitalisation to Africa, in partership with EU.

Uganda - AFRICA


Challenging Cervical Cancer through digitalisation


Uganda Cancer Insititute has with parters at Makerere University launched digitalisation efforts to increase services to remote areas, build AI solutions to decentralise knowlegde on diagnostic tools and built a registry for cervical cancer screening to enable patients to return for key servives.

Explore SPIDER’s work for the Sustainable Development Goals

Gender Equality and Equity

SPIDER works with gender equity throughout all its projects in minor or major ways. An intesectional lense is applied.

ICT Policy is essential for digital solitions

It is not enough to have access to digital services and infrastructure, consumer rights are at the heart of digital service provision that is inclusive.

Digital for monitoring environmental change

It is argued that climate change affects the poor more than the rich, so how can we monitor and react to change this?


Digitalization plays a crucial role in achieving SDG 16 by enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accessibility of institutions. It supports the development of accountable and inclusive governance.

In what ways can digital technologies contribute to building strong institutions?

Digital technologies can improve public administration, streamline processes, and enhance government services. They play a key role in creating open, accountable, and inclusive institutions.

What is the significance of digitalization in achieving peace and justice?

Digitalisation promotes transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. It enables the efficient delivery of justice, helps combat corruption, and enhances the overall effectiveness of legal and judicial systems.

How does digitalisation impact freedom of information and access to public information?

Digitalisation can enhance access to information by providing online platforms and databases. However, ensuring that this information is freely accessible and protected from misuse is crucial for achieving SDG 16.10.