Health Alliance for Digital Development and Action (HADDA) is a SPIDER coordinated programme that aims to improve Maternal and Child Health outcomes and health equity by supporting unification the Health Information Managment System in Somalia.

Our partners in Somalia

A Health Management Information System (HMIS) is one of the building blocks for a functioning healthcare. This includes data collection and management to support national health care policy decisions. The necessity for an effective health management information system (HMIS) has further been intensified in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

To assess the current status of the health information system in Somalia and the availability of a functional HMIS, SPIDER together with partner organisations set out to establish baseline for the programme. A needs assessment to identify the capacity needs for human and technical support was carried out in the selected regions. HADDA is supporting the Federal government’s digital health management system. To achieve a cohesive HMIS, HADDA collaborates closely with the Federal and regional Ministries of Health in the development of an integrated HMIS feasible for member states as well as on the federal level. SPIDER has also engaged in collaboration and dialogue with WHO, UNICEF, the Swedish Public Health Agency and Somali National Health Institute.

To date, essential milestones have been reached in the HADDA programmes which include but are not limited to:

  • Baseline report which lay the foundation for the WHO co-ordinated masterplan for HMIS
  • Technical assessments to map out the needs for technology infrastructure and development
  • Health worker engagement to inform the design of digital health system
  • Several workshops on technology, network coordination, results based management (RBM), leadership, Digital Investment Principles, Principles for Digital Development etc.
  • Diaspora programme “Connect Somalia” launched in March 2023
  • Beta test clinics chosen and engaged.

The building blocks of successful health information management system roll out

SPIDER, as one of the leading organisations behind the Digital Investment Principles applies the principles to the HADDA programme. The programme was designed in close consultation and leadership of the Federal Ministry of Health, which remains instrumental to the success of the initiative and all digital health system strengthening efforts in the country.

The leadership of organisations, advocates and technical and health workforce is crucial for the developed system to be successfully embedded and to promote health equity in the country.

The women and children who are attending the health clinics inform the system with key health information, via health workforce and are essential for national planning and for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3 – Good health and wellbeing for all.

Target 3.1: By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births

Indicators: 3.1.1: Maternal mortality ratio; 3.1.2: Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
Target 3.2: By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000 live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1,000 live births
Indicators: 3.2.1 Under-five mortality rate; 3.2.2 Neonatal mortality rate
Target 3.7: By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programmes
Indicators: 3.7.1 Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods; 3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate (aged 10-14 years; aged 15-19 years) per 1,000 women in that age group

The HADDA programme focuses on human centered technology that is designed and developed with the end users in mind. 

Furthermore, we adhere to the Principles for Digital Developments, meaning we use open source (or Global Digital Health Goods) technology for sustainability while tailoring the technology to the maturity of the infrastructure in country and informed by the health system priorities and needs for interoperability. 

As a Team Sweden partner in Somalia, SPIDER, Swedish Statistics Bureau (SCB) and Public Health Sweden also ensure that our technology elements are aligned and that training needs for technology deployment are met in our respective programmes in the country. 


Action research is the back-bone of HADDA and the baseline report has already provided the foundation for a national roadmap for HMIS in Somalia, work that has now been handed over to WHO Somalia to develop on a national scale. 

Research reports inform implementation and ensure inclusion of health workers work flows to enable appropriate services that capture key data to the national system DHIS1. 

Connect Somalia

Connect Somalia bridges the gap between the fragile health system in Somalia and professionals in the Somali diaspora who want to offer time and effort to strengthen it. Professionals across sectors can by the end of 2023 join the portal which connects real opportunities and projects with the diaspora.


  • Health workers and specialists
  • Technology developers
  • Sustainability experts
  • Data analysts
  • Public administration officials
  • Gender equality and inclusion professionals
  • Social workers
  • Researchers
  • Supply chain specialists
  • Financial system officers

Key documents and resources

Baseline study for HADDA

The HADDA baseline report provides key insights into the trajectory of the programme and how the health system can be strengthened for results that will impact on the health outcomes of Somalia.

HMIS Technical Assessment report 2021

HMIS Technical Assessment Report in Banaadir, Galmudug and Puntland of Somalia. The report defines the criteria for successful digitalisation of the selected member states in HADDA. 


Sweden invests considerably to support the rebuilding of health systems in Somalia, which have been affected by decades of conflict. Here are a ew questions we often get when presenting on SPIDER’s work in Somalia.

What is the role of SPIDER in the programme?

SPIDER, a public center of enablement, is the coordinator of the HADDA programme.  We find and partner with organisations that implement and carry out research on the project, also providing digital health expertise and guidance, essential ongoing training and support to ensure the delivery of results. SPIDER connects international, regional and national partners and works in support of the Federal Ministry of Health. We report to the Somalia division at the Embassy of Sweden in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Does SPIDER have an office in Somalia?

SPIDER’s model for results is about stimulating local leadership, supporting upskilling and aknowlegdement of the immense impact of the many Somalis making a difference to health equity in their communities. This means we partner with existing organisations, institutions and companies in Somalia and do not set up office ourselves. We believe this model for capacity exchange and development, through tailored coordination is sustainable beyond programme periods and throughout global pandemics. 

How does HADDA ensure that there is a real need to meet?

SPIDER always embedds action research in our programmes. The HADDA programme benefits from having one of the most prominent research institutions in Somalia – SIDRA Institute, who are experts in digital health and ensure that there is evidence of need for any part of the implementation phase. From start, mid term evaluation to end line analysis of data from the programme, SIDRA follow up on expected results. SIDRA has its office in Puntland but carries out essential workth thoughout Somalia.

What are the essential corner-stones of HADDA?

To achieve real and lasting results HADDA is designed to foster collaboration, utilise expertise and focus on appropriate, interoperable and used informed technology that adds essential data to evoke action on health.  The key compinents in the HADDA programme are: 1) human centered technology 2) capacity development 3) coordination, collaboration and local leadership.

Why is it important to involve the Somali diaspora in HADDA?

The investment and support by Somali diaspora to Somalia cannot be understated. Yet, this essential support, which enables today’s Somalia to grow and succeed is often not visible or systemised. That is why SPIDER, Nomad Innovation Lab, SIDRA and the Federal Ministry of Health, as well as Sida, encourage the formal involvement of Somali Diaspora in the HADDA programme by facilitating a portal for practical linkage to professionals in the diaspora who are keen to see Somalia thrive.

SPIDER would like to extend a thank you to our thought partners and collaborators in Somalia.