Telecom regulation and impact on development
Without a robust and capable telecom regulation, with policies that ensure access, equitable opportunities and national coverage, many of digital development projects would simply not take place.
Telecome regulators and the authorities they work for are essential to digital transformation and the countries’ competitiveness on the global market.
- Spectrum Management
Key documents and resources
Baseline study for HADDA
The HADDA baseline report provides key insights into the trajectory of the programme and how the health system can be strengthened for results that will impact on the health outcomes of Somalia.
HMIS Technical Assessment report 2021
HMIS Technical Assessment Report in Banaadir, Galmudug and Puntland of Somalia. The report defines the criteria for successful digitalisation of the selected member states in HADDA.
Sweden invests considerably to support the rebuilding of health systems in Somalia, which have been affected by decades of conflict. Here are a ew questions we often get when presenting on SPIDER’s work in Somalia.
What was the role of SPIDER in the programme?
How many countries benefited from the programme?
Are the organisations progressing after being part of this programme?
How has participation progressed the participants careers?
Many of the…
Why has the project ended? What will happen now?
SPIDER would like to extend our gratitude to our funders, thought partners and collaborators the ITP Regulation & Policy Programme.