SPIDER’s work
SPIDER is a center of enablement for inclusive digital development and we work with proven models, coordinating impactful programmes for sustainable change.
Our Services

Action research for development actors
Research services for results

Capacity Building
Multi-faceted training programmes

International Coordination
Co-ordination of multi country development

Mobilising Innovation
Catalytic seed funds create equity
The SPIDER way of development
Autonomy, representation, leadership and ownership are essential elements that enable sustainable models of development to thrive. SPIDER has for two decades been the center where we spin a web to achieve results. A web of knowledge, experience, connections and solutions.
For SPIDER what matters is inclusive digitalisation that benefits all. With such, comes greater level of innovation, greater equity and access to opportunities, greater wealth creation and also enjoyment of basic human rights. Our business is to enable us to get there.
Working with a multitude of partners, but essentially allowing local ownwership of solution is for us the key to unlocking genuine change. This is why we coordinate, capacity build and promote local implementers, researchers and support local leadership, without leaving anyone behind.
SPIDER does not take the easy way out. We know that inclusive digitalisation and development requires patience, ability to listen in and map the needs in a practical way and provide scalable solutions that yield results. That is the SPIDER way of Development
Established since
Partner Countries so far
Current SPIDER programmes
ICT Policy and Regulation – Institutional Strengtening (iPRIS) is a EU, Sweden and Luxembourg funded programme for African ICT Regulatory Authorities and organisations . The project is a peer-to-peer learning platform for innovative approaches to regulation and policy that provides the platform for digital transformation.
Eliminating Cervical Cancer in Africa
The DANCCE initiative wants to support African led and technology enabled elimination of Cervical Cancer as a major public health threat in the continent. Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths among women in Africa. SPIDER’s engagement and support has grown and we welcome more funders to join the DANCCE.
We are one of the most experienced organisations in digital transformation
For nearly two decades, SPIDER has been on the forefront of inclusive digital devlopment. Our focus has always been on the achievement of global equity, opportunity and human rights.
Yes, our past experience informs the future but we also understand how important it is to keep abreast of the innovation and rapid development digitalisation brings to the world. The way we work, with partnerships, thought leadership and a keen eye on equity, means we are in the midst of rapid globalisation where the value that SPIDER adds is priceless.
Let’s work together
We maximise development funding by coordinating multi-sector efforts for the sustainable development goals. SPIDER amplifies success, coordinates collaboration and is result driven, equipped with evidence every step of the way. Let us join efforts!
Action research, baselines, monitoring and evaluation of digital development
SPIDER has an army of researcher ready to use expertise in digital development at local level. But we also have internal capacity to carry out research in specific fields. It is a cornerstone of the organisation and explains why we are based at Stockholm University.
International capacity building programmes
SPIDER’s strength is in the coordination of multi-stakeholder capacity building programmes where we not only unite expertise but also invest our internal capacity to add the perspective of creating inclusive digital development. We have a long record of working with Ministries, Reasearch Institutions and Academia, Public Sector and Private Sector organisations, and civil society.
Tailored training (we call it upgrade)
Have a look at our Upgrade page to explore how you can collaborate with us to deliver digitalisation workshops or have a SPIDER staff member deliver a lecture on your organisation’s core topic.
Lectures, Moderation and Expertise services
If you are looking for a lecture on digital development in the healthcare sector, how to work with the Principles for Digital Development or someone to moderate a development talk, contact us to find a solution.
We can coordinate your investment programmes in digital
To invest in digital development programmes can at times be risky, especially when everybody promises to know digital transformation. Our experience is that often times failures are repeated if one does not have an inclusive equity perspective and merely follows the hype. SPIDER is a public organisation with transparent processes and accountable processes and nearly two decades of experience in the digital development space. Irrespective of where in the world you want to focus we have ways to find you the best partners.
Partner Testimonials
“Our READY programmes have integrated digital tools to better meet the needs of adolescents and young people. We really like the way SPIDER incorporates research into project planning and delivery, investing in measurable results from the very start.”
“SPIDER provides the platform for embedding technology into development to optimise impact; and as a development professional whose passion led her from IT into development, SPIDER provides me the nexus to gain the desired exposure and apply my accrued knowledge. ”
“The Pan African Network for Social Innovation has enabled us to really join forces across sector lines to create an ecosystem of actors from private, public and civil society sectors to spur development in our region. As the network lead, I foresee its impact to grow across Africa. SPIDER’s way of promoting local leadership and solutions has been key in our success.”
Our funders