Pedagogical Support & Inclusive Education

Current Projects

Indigenous language learning content

SPIDER will improve primary education for children in rural Cambodia by making knowledge accessible in their own native languages. Our local partnership lead by Open Development Cambodia will produce digital educational resources such as videos and podcasts, and capacity train teachers to use them.


Coding in Khmer for rural youth

Knowing how to code is an important skill to have today. With recent improvements of the infrastructure in rural Cambodia, SPIDER found an opportunity to implement ICT education programmes in the rural areas. Our partner Kawsang will turn the localised Khmer version of into lesson plans, while training teachers to apply them. This bridges the urban-rural knowledge gap.



In order enable more children to pass primary school in Zambia, SPIDER coordinates our local partner Project Luangwa in supplying the project school Uyoba Primary with tablets containing the entire Zambian curriculum. Teachers will be trained in using technology with the purpose of making learning more flexible and exciting, while results are closely monitored.
