Digital Health, HoliCare, News, Research
As part of the capacity building activities through training for strengthened human capital, Stockholm University, SPIDER, that leads work package seven (WP7), facilitate different groups of researchers and practitioners from across the Holicare consortium to gain...
DHupdate, Digital Health, Diversity & Equity, International Capacity Development, News, Updates
Connecting for Health: The Role of Connect Somalia Connect Somalia serves as a bridge, connecting the diaspora with healthcare needs in Somalia Why Diaspora Matters Throughout history, diaspora has played an important role in shaping the destinies of nations. Serving...
DHupdate, Digital Health, Updates
Digital Health Coordination in the HADDA Programme The collaborative efforts led by the TCC aim to transform the digital health landscape in Somalia, promoting effective coordination, ownership, and sustainability. The Role of the Technical Coordination Committee...
Digital Health, Gender, International Capacity Development
UNITED AGAINST CERVICAL CANCER The Kenyan Network of Cancer Organisations (KENCO) received SPIDER grants to undertake an essential mapping of 15 African countries and thereby creating a resource for these countries to have overview of the digital projects, products...